Dr. Abbey holds a Doctorate in Educational Cognitive Psychology and is a PRIVATE Calgary-Educational Consultant.
In addition, Dr. Brenda E. Abbey is an EARLY/ Later LITERACY & Reading Specialist as well as an Alberta K to grade 12 certified LD & Special Education teacher.
* Individualized DAYTIME Learning sessions* focus on exactly what your child needs - in your OWN home. Use this website's contact form for pricing information .
** Does your child need Learning support in Reading, Comprehension, Visual / Auditory Processing, Writing or Math Concept/ Problem Solving ??
* - Learning starts with your child's confidence during ENJOYABLE learning activities !!
Your child will have an enjoyable learning experience with Dr. Brenda E. Abbey aimed at STRENGTH - BASED strategy learning while boosting their academic skills and confidence !! Parents are also provided with strategy/ coaching suggestions so they can advocate with your child's school learning team and also support their child's learning at HOME !!
Reading is an Interdependent COGNITIVE process. Is it decoding, phonological awareness problems or a COMPLEX language- based Comprehension difficulty? It's hard for PARENTS to know the right type of strategic interventions for READING/ Comprehension difficulties without an expert consultation !!
Dr. Brenda E. Abbey CAN : * Help parents understand and ADVOCATE for their child's unique learning needs.
* help COACH Executive FUNCTION Skills for children with moderate to severe WORKING MEMORY and PROCESSING challenges / disabilities to achieve success in - Self- Regulation , Organization / Planning, Reading Comprehension strategies, as well as Math Concepts & Problem-Solving.
* can develop your child's WRITTEN LANGUAGE Formulation SKILLS through enjoyable activities from the successful STRUCTURE and STYLE in COMPOSITION program.
*equip your child with the STUDY SKILLS, research and organizational STRATEGIES to support WORKING MEMORY challenges and strengthen learning capacity so your child can succeed and develop independence.
* encourage a lifelong curiosity and enthusiasm for education.
Consulting Services " Developing an Understanding of Your child as a LEARNER " ***Translating Research into Practical TEAM Strategies !!
FREE * Initial 1/2 hour PHONE Consultation.
* Dr. Abbey consults with parents BEFORE she starts working with the child. With shared information , scanned reports of previous assessments, the parent phone consultation develops understanding of the developmental history and streamlines an efficient approach to addressing the complex learning, working memory, visual/auditory processing or attention needs of your child.
COACHING & Parent Supports for children/ youth with ADD and CDD *CONCENTRATION DEFICIT DISORDER
Is your child SMART but SCATTERED ?
* Dr. Abbey earned a Doctor of Education degree in Educational Cognitive Psychology. She is an Alberta certified K to Grade 12 teacher and also has a Master's Degree in Curriculum Development.
Dr. Brenda E. Abbey has many years of Public Education and PRIVATE PRACTICE experience in supporting parents who are wanting to help their children with Literacy and Learning at HOME as well as understanding ADD as a Difference NOT a Deficit. She believes in Strength- based interventions .She also believes in ongoing research about the nutritional needs of the brain
Dr. Brenda E. Abbey believes that an important intervention for helping children with ADD/ ADHD and CDD * Concentration Deficit Disorder is to COACH parents in strategies and suggestions in the HOME setting . She believes parents are the most important facilitators for their child. The goal of this part of her CONSULTING work is to SUPPORT parents to become advocates for their child diagnosed with ADD/ADHD as well as CDD* Concentration Deficit Disorder. EXECUTIVE FUNCTION STRATEGIES for SUCCESS*** Applied Research supports NURTURING a number of executive thinking and behaviour skills aimed at improving the child's skills & daily functioning at school and at home.
Consultation with Other Professionals
* Dr. Brenda E. Abbey believes that TEAMWORK is important . She is also available for PARENTS at an HOURLY RATE *to consult with other professionals and coordinate learning goals/ strategies for your child in their educational setting.
The combined TEAM observations and previous assessments of pediatricians, registered psychologists, speech and language therapists , occupational therapists and teachers from your child's school can provide a detailed profile and help plan for your child's learning strengths and academic or attention- focusing needs.