*** The CHILDREN'S LEARNING COACH Private Calgary Educational Cognitive Consultant *** Understanding Diverse Learners' STRENGTHS !!
Dr. Brenda E. Abbey believes in Turning Possibilities into Probabilities as well as in making a difference in real life situations for children and their families. She earned her Doctor of Education degree from Canada's University of Toronto in Applied Research in Special Education and Educational Cognitive Psychology. The core focus of Cognitive Psychology is on how we learn , acquire, process and store information. LEARNING ENHANCEMENT is her goal !!
Since 1989 , Dr. Brenda E. Abbey has lived and worked in Calgary, Alberta as a Learning Specialist, Alberta certified K-12 Learning Disability & Special Education teacher, Private Cognitive Educational Consultant as well as Education Researcher . Dr. Brenda E. Abbey is able to expertly design practical learning enhancement strategies and provide In- Home learning materials for children and their INVOLVED Parents . WHY are DR. BRENDA E. ABBEY'S Services MORE EFFECTIVE for my child ? Dr. Brenda E. Abbey is a LEARNING COACH and believes in CAPACITY BUILDING for both the student and Parent!! Her intervention services provide a solid learning strategy foundation, focusing on HOW your child learns best while developing strategies and self- confidence * going BEYOND regular Tutoring and helping with homework !! Dr. Brenda E. Abbey has the qualifications, as well as extensive professional learning assessment, teaching and program planning intervention experience. Over the years , she has worked with Supportive Families and directly helped many students diagnosed with complex ACADEMIC learning & language difficulties , Written Language disabilities, VISUAL and AUDITORY PROCESSING DISORDERS, WORKING MEMORY needs, ADD/ ADHD/ CDD { Concentration Deficit Disorder}, ANXIETY, Autistic Spectrum communication and social needs, emotional needs , ESL learners , developmental delays, EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING difficulties, as well as organizational, planning and study skill challenges/ test- taking anxiety.
Dr. Brenda E. Abbey is a respected professional who has many years of PRACTICAL planning and collaborative experience with multi- disciplinary TEAMS involving kindergarten and Elementary/ Junior High/ High School teachers, other psychologists, speech/ language therapists, parents, medical doctors and mental health community - based support professionals. Her belief in TEAMWORK has enabled effective and appropriate PRACTICAL interventions for children, and their families in both Ontario and Alberta. The goal of her work has always been to develop the STUDENT'S strengths for successful performance in school, community and in daily life as well as to enhance self-esteem.
In her PRIVATE Educational Consultant Practice, Dr. Brenda E. Abbey provides Individual Support/ Learning Strategies Programming & Coaching in the Client's own SOUTH CALGARY AREA home or Library { for additional details * SEE PAGE 2 of this website for SERVICES PROVIDED} . If needed, Dr. Brenda E. Abbey is ALSO able to provide programming and HOME- BASED suggestions for PARENTS of children diagnosed with various learning disabilities and neurological needs , ADHD, developmental delays , Asperger's, communication disorders, organizational difficulties, language and learning disabilities.
LEARNING with HORSES * Individual Equine- Assisted Learning is ALSO part of Dr. Brenda E. Abbey's existing scope of practice. { see Page 4 of this site for more details } She is an Alberta Special Education teacher and has training in Equine - Facilitated Wellness . Influenced by her teamwork experience at a Children's Treatment Setting , she is always aware of how TRAUMA impacts the brain structure . Dr. Brenda E. Abbey continues to be involved in some exciting and promising research about how interaction with horses and Equine - Assisted Learning can develop children's self- awareness and self- regulation , thereby supporting those children diagnosed with ADD/ ADHD, SPD { Sensory Processing Disorder}, as well as PTSD with changes to the brain's LIMBIC system.{ Dr. Abbey has published on this subject and has been a conference speaker/ presenter} .
She is an owner and breeder of friendly home- raised Thoroughbred Therapy horses at a scenic horse farm setting SOUTH of Calgary, west of Okotoks Alberta. The setting promotes a wonderful and relaxing communication enhancing learning experience for the child and the entire family providing rare opportunities to share the benefits of close contact with HORSES and being close to NATURE !! ** See this website's PHOTO GALLERY.
Dr. Brenda E. Abbey has been a horse owner and equine enthusiast since the age of 7. She remains a dedicated thoroughbred breeder, owner / rider as an adult, who continues to promote 1 year FIXED Cost % share ownership in ALBERTA racehorse partnerships for 2025* see MY BLOG { scroll down MORE at TOP MENU}.